@incollection{Athanaselisetal2008, author = "Αθανασέλης, Θεολόγος and Mamouras, K. and Μπακαμίδης, Στυλιανός and Δολόγλου, Ιωάννης", abstract = "This work presents an evaluation method of Greek sentences with respect to word order errors. The evaluation method is based on words’ reordering and choosing the version that maximizes the number of trigram hits according to a language model.", address = "Berlin/Heidelberg", booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", keywords = "Language model, word order errors, permutations filtering, Hellenic National Corpus", pages = "750–758", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", title = "{S}entence-level {E}valuation {U}sing {C}o-occurences of {N}-grams ", year = "2008", }