@conference{2001_TambouratzisEtAl, author = "Ταμπουρατζής, Γιώργος and Σοφιανόπουλος, Σωκράτης and Βασιλείου, Μαρίνα and Σιμιστήρα, Φωτεινή and Tsimboukakis, Nikos", abstract = "The present article introduces a phrase-alignment approach that involves the processing of a small bilingual corpus in order to extract suitable structural infor-mation. This is used in the PRESEMT project, whose aim is the quick develop-ment of phrase-based Machine Transla-tion (MT) systems for new language pairs. A main bottleneck of such systems is the need to create compatible parsing schemes in the source and target lan-guages. This bottleneck is overcome by combining two modules, the Phrase aligner module and the Phrasing model generator, both of them being based on pattern recognition principles.", address = "Leuven, Belgium", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conferecne of the European Association for Machine Translation", editor = "M.L. Forcada; H. Depraetere; V. Vadeghinste", isbn = "9789081486118", keywords = "alignment, crf, machine learning", month = "May 30-31", organization = "EAMT", pages = "185-192", title = "{A} resource-light phrase scheme for language-portable {M}T ", year = "2011", }