@conference{Varlokosta et al. 1009, author = "Βαρλοκώστα, Σ. and Ιακώβου, Μ. and Κάντζου, Βίκυ and Παπαγεωργακόπουλος, Γιάννης and Σταμούλη, Σπυριδούλα and Τζεβελέκου, Μαρία and Χονδρογιάννη, Β.", abstract = "The aim of this paper is to present the core specifications for designing methods of assessing young learners' proficiency in Greek. It is proposed that language proficiency is assessed on the basis of a rating scale provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001). This scale, designed primarily for adults, is adapted for young learners, and provides the point of departure for designing and developing three tests, one for every two grades of the six-grade primary school. In this paper, the main stages of test development and the test specifications with respect to features of tasks (such as instructions, text and task types etc.) are presented.", address = "Αθήνα", booktitle = "Πρακτικά του 3oυ Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την διδασκαλία της Νέας Ελληνικής ως Ξένης γλώσσας", keywords = "language assessment;language proficiency levels", month = "Οκτώβριος 2004", pages = "131-141", publisher = "Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών", title = "{Δ}ιαγνωστικά τεστ για τον προσδιορισμό της ελληνομάθειας σε παιδιά ", year = "2009", }