@conference{karabetos_2005, author = "Καραμπέτσος, Σωτήρης and Τσιάκουλης, Πύρρος and Φωτεινέα, Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα and Δολόγλου, Ιωάννης", abstract = "In this paper, a Decimative Spectral estimation method based on Eigenanalysis and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) is presented and applied to speech signals in order to estimate Formant/Bandwidth values. The underlying model decomposes a signal into complex damped sinusoids. The algorithm is applied not only on speech samples but on a small amount of the autocorrelation coefficients of a speech frame as well, for finer estimation. Correct estimation of Formant/Bandwidth values depend on the model order thus, the requested number of poles. Overall, experimentation results indicate that the proposed methodology successfully estimates formant trajectories and their respective bandwidths.", address = "Lisbon, Portugal", booktitle = "Interspeech’2005: 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology", keywords = "spectral estimation, decimation, SVD, speech signals, DSP", month = "September 4-8", pages = "709-712", title = "{O}n the {U}se of a {D}ecimative {S}pectral {E}stimation {M}ethod based on {E}igenanalysis and {S}VD for {F}ormant and {B}andwidth {T}racking of {S}peech {S}ignals ", url = "http://speech.ilsp.gr/synthesis/publications", year = "2005", }