@conference{EythFot2004, author = "Ευθυμίου, Ελένη and Φωτεινέα, Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα", abstract = "This paper makes a historical reference to educational network practices in Greece, along with a brief description of current Internet based e-learning platforms, in order to introduce the requirement for system architectures that allow accessibility to services and tools by all user groups. Emphasis is placed on Human Computer Interaction principles pοsed in the framework of Information Society. In this light, the state-of-the-art technological tools composing an educational platform are enhanced to permit access to users with disabilities. In our example case, access to educational content exploits avatar based solutions to support the use of the educational platform by deaf students.", address = "Toulouse, France", booktitle = "Proc. of the TeL'04 Workshop on “Technology Enhanced Learning”", editor = "Courtiat, JP ; Davarakis, C. ; Villemur, T.", keywords = "Information Society, Universal Access, Assistive Technology, educational platform, Greek Sign Language, virtual signer", month = "22 August ", pages = "177-186", title = "{A}n adaptation-based technique on current educational tools to support universal access: the case of a {G}SL e-Learning platform ", year = "2004", }