@conference{Efthimiouetal2005, author = "Ευθυμίου, Ελένη and Φωτεινέα, Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα and Sapountzaki, G.", abstract = "This paper presents organisation of GSL educational material and resources in the context of an educational platform developed in the framework of the SYNENNOESE project (GSRT: e-learning 44) aiming to support teaching of GSL grammar to early primary school pupils as the main means for conveying SL information. GSL linguistic content presentation is performed using dynamic sign synthesis, by means of exploiting avatar and animation technologies. The platform under discussion exploits standard techniques used for educational material presentation in deaf classes, but it also provides the tutor the option to dynamically modify educational material according to lecture planning and class needs.", address = "Villach, Austria", booktitle = "Proc. of the ICL 2005 Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning", keywords = "GSL, sign synthesis, signing avatar, educational scenaria, virtual tutor", month = "September 28 - 30", title = "{G}SL educational content for {E}-learning ", year = "2005", }