@conference{Efthimiouetal2009, author = "Ευθυμίου, Ελένη and Φωτεινέα, Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα and Vogler, Christian and Hanke, T. and Glauert, J. and Bowden, R.", abstract = "Sign language and Web 2.0 applications are currently incompatible, because of the lack of anonymisation and easy editing of online sign language contributions. This paper describes Dicta-Sign, a project aimed at developing the technologies required for making sign language-based Web contributions possible, by providing an integrated framework for sign language recognition, animation, and language modelling. It targets four different European sign languages: Greek, British, German, and French. Expected outcomes are three showcase applications for a search-by-example sign language dictionary, a sign language-to-sign language translator, and a sign language-based Wiki.", address = "San Diego, USA", booktitle = "Proc. of the HCII-09", keywords = "Sign Language, Deaf communication, HCI, Web accessibility", month = "July 09", title = "{S}ign {L}anguage {R}ecognition, {G}eneration, and {M}odelling: {A} {R}esearch {E}ffort with {A}pplications in {D}eaf {C}ommunication ", year = "2009", }