@conference{glaros1992, author = "Γλάρος, Νίκος and Καραγιάννης, Γεώργιος", abstract = "The paper compares the numerical performance of two well-known Toeplitz solving algorithms based on a method that is capable of analysing and computing both exact and first-error fixed-point errors.", address = "Brussels, BELGIUM", booktitle = "Proceedings of EUSIPCO '92, 6th European Signal Processing Conference", editor = "Vandewalle J.; Boite R.; Moonen M.; Oosterlinck A.", keywords = "toeplitz solving algorithms, quantisation effects, exact finite precision error analysis", month = "August 1992", pages = "1129-1132", publisher = "Elsevier, 1992", title = "{A} {C}omparative {F}ixed-Point {E}rror {A}nalysis of the {S}chur and split {S}chur {A}lgorithms ", volume = "2", year = "1992", }