@article{Glaros1994, author = "Γλάρος, Νίκος and Καραγιάννης, Γεώργιος", abstract = "A methodology is introduced in th is paper for the exact and first-order fixed-point error analysis of various Toeplitz solving algorithms. The theoretical results obtained are consistent with experimentation. Besides the intrinsic symmetry of the error propagation recursive formulae, the technique presented is capable of explaining many practical situations.", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing", keywords = "toeplitz solving algorithms, quantisation effects, exact finite precision error analysis", number = "8", pages = "1916-1938", title = "{E}xact and {F}irst-Order {E}rror {A}nalysis of the {S}chur and the split {S}chur {A}lgorithms: {T}heory and {P}ractice ", volume = "42", year = "1994", }