@conference{__2008 Koutsobogera, author = "Κουτσομπόγερα, Μαρία and Touribaba, L. and Παπαγεωργίου, Χάρης", abstract = "In this paper we present a study for the role of multimodal expressions in face-to-face TV interviews. Specifically, we examine the type of facial displays and gestures and their respective communicative functions in terms of feedback and turn management in an attempt to develop a deeper analytical understanding of the mechanisms underlying the multimodal aspects of human interaction in the context of media communication. Taking into account previous work on the analysis of non-verbal interaction, we discuss the distribution of the features of interest and we investigate the effect of the situational and conversational setting of each interview on the interactional behavior of the participants. We describe the tools and the coding scheme employed, we report on the results of the annotation and, finally, we conclude with comments on future work and exploitation of the resulting resource. ", address = "Marrakech, Morocco", booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop on Multimodal Corpora, LREC2008", editor = "Martin, J.-C. ; Paggio, P.; Kipp, M.; Heylen, D.", month = "Μάϊος", organization = "ELRA", pages = "12-16", publisher = "Εκδόσεις Ζήτη", title = "{M}ultimodality in {C}onversation {A}nalysis: {A} case of {G}reek {T}V {I}nterviews ", url = "http://embots.dfki.de/doc/MMC2008_proceedings.pdf", year = "2008", }