@conference{AthaBakDolo2006, author = "Αθανασέλης, Θεολόγος and Μπακαμίδης, Στυλιανός and Δολόγλου, Ιωάννης", abstract = "A good indicator of whether a person really knows the context of language is the ability to use in correct order the appropriate words in a sentence. The “scrambled” words cause a meaningless and ill formed sentences. Since the language model, is extracted from a large text corpus, it encodes the local dependencies of words. The word order errors usually violated the syntactic rules locally and therefore the N-grams can be used in order to fix ill-formed sentences. This paper presents an approach for repairing word order errors in text by reordering words in a sentence and choosing the version that maximizes the number of trigram hits according to a language model. The novelty of this method concerns the use of an efficient confusion matrix technique for reordering the words. The comparative advantage of this method is that works with a large set of words, and avoids the laborious and costly process of collecting word order errors for creating error patterns.", address = "Dresden, Germany", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Speech Prosody", keywords = "ill formed sentences; N-grams;word order errors", pages = "370-373", title = "{A}n automatic method for revising ill-formed sentences based on {N}-grams ", year = "2006", }