@conference{Tambouratzisetal2012, author = "Tambouratzis, George and Sofianopoulos, Sokratis and Vassiliou, Marina", abstract = "The current paper evaluates the performance of the PRESEMT methodology, which facilitates the creation of machine translation (MT) systems for different language pairs. This methodology aims to develop a hybrid MT system that extracts translation information from large, predominantly monolingual corpora, using pattern recognition techniques. PRESEMT has been designed to have the lowest possible requirements on specialised resources and tools, given that for many languages (especially less widely used ones) only limited linguistic resources are available. In PRESEMT, the main translation process is divided into two phases, the first determining the overall structure of a target language (TL) sentence, and the second disambiguating between alternative translations for words or phrases and establishing local word order. This paper describes the latest version of the system and evaluates its translation accuracy, while also benchmarking the PRESEMT performance by comparing it with other established MT systems using objective measures.", address = "Mumbai, India", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012)", editor = "Martin Kay; Christian Boitet", month = "December 8-15", organization = " International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)", pages = "2569-2584", publisher = "The COLING 2012 Organizing Committee", title = "{E}valuating the translation accuracy of a novel language-independent {M}T methodology ", url = "http://www1.ccls.columbia.edu/~habash/coling-2012-citations/C01.pdf", year = "2012", }