@conference{Tsiafakis_etal2006, author = "Tsiafaki, Despoina and Tsompanopoulos, A. and Pavlidis, George and Tsirliganis, Nestor and Evanggelidis, Vasileios and Chamzas, Christodoulos", address = "Boston", booktitle = "Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities, Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology", editor = "Mattusch, C.; Donohue, A. A.; Brauer , A.", month = "August 23rd-26th", pages = "419-423", title = "{A}rchiving {C}ultural {O}bjects in the 21st century: {P}ottery from {K}arabournaki ", year = "2006", }