@conference{Balla_etal2006, author = "Balla, A. and Pavlogeorgatos, G. and Tsiafaki, Despoina and Pavlidis, George", address = "Nicosia", booktitle = "The e-volution of Information Communication Technology in Cultural Heritage. Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century. Short papers from the joint event CIPA/VAST/EG/ EuroMed 2006", editor = "Ioannides, M.; Arnold, D.; Niccolucci, F.; Mania, K.", month = "Oct. 30th - Nov. 4th", pages = "13-16", title = "{C}ultural {I}tineries in the {R}egion of {X}anthi using {W}eb-based {G}IS {T}echnologies ", year = "2006", }