@conference{Antoniou 2000, author = "Antoniou-Kritikou, Ioanna and Γκίκα, Ε. and Λαλιώτου, Ε. and Τριαντοπούλου, Θ.", address = "Ρέθυμνο", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference “Learning and Teaching of Greek as mother tongue and second language” [in Greek]", editor = "Βαμβούκας Μ.; Χατζηδάκη Α.", keywords = "New Technologies, language teaching", month = "6-8 Οκτωβρίου 2000", organization = "University of Crete", pages = "619-627", title = "{L}anguage {T}eaching supported by {N}ew {T}echnologies: {A}nalysis of experimental teachings of {O}dysseas project (1997-2000) [in {G}reek] ", volume = "1", year = "2000", }