@conference{Tsiafakis_2010c, author = "Tsiafaki, Despoina and Manakidou, E. and Sakalis, Anastasios and Tsirliganis, Nestor", address = "Rome", booktitle = "Meetings between Cultures in the Ancient Mediterranean” Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Classical Archaeolog", editor = "Dalla Riva, M.; Di Giuseppe, H.", keywords = "settlement, Karabournaki, Corinthian, pottery", month = "September 22nd-26th", organization = "Italian and foreign Archaeological Research Institutes", pages = "143-152", series = "Bollettino di Archeologia on line", title = "{T}he ancient settlement at {K}arabournaki: the results of the {C}orinthian and {C}orinthian type pottery analysis ", volume = "1", year = "2010", }