@conference{tsiafaki2014c, author = "Boochs, F. and Bentkowska-Kafel, A. and Degrigny, C. and Karaszewski, M. and Karmacharya, A. and Kato, Z. and Picollo, M. and Sitnik, R. and Tr{\'e}meau, A. and Tsiafaki, Despoina and Tamas, L.", address = "Limassol", booktitle = "EuroMed 2014", editor = "Ioannides, M.; et al.", month = "3-8 November 2014", pages = "11-24", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", series = "LNCS ", title = "{C}olour and {S}pace in {C}ultural {H}eritage: {K}ey {Q}uestions in 3D {O}ptical {D}ocumentation of {M}aterial {C}ulture for {C}onservation, {S}tudy and {P}reservation ", volume = "8740", year = "2014", }