@conference{desipri_language_2003, author = "Desipri, Elina and Gavrilidou, Maria and Labropoulou, Penny", abstract = "Taking as a starting point the ENABLER survey, this paper reports on Language Resources (LRs) in the Balkan area and for Balkan languages. It also presents the facilities provided by a web application that aims to serve as a tool for LRs identification, by providing access to a catalogue of LRs described in a harmonized way according to the ENABLER metadata schema and, thus, aspiring to act as an information point contributing to the dissemination of LRs.", address = "Thessaloniki, Greece", booktitle = "Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools", title = "{L}anguage {R}esources in the {B}alkan area ", year = "2003", }