@conference{_2006b markantonatou, author = "Markantonatou, Stella and Sofianopoulos, Sokratis and Spilioti, V. and Tambouratzis, George and Vassiliou, Marina and Yannoutsou, Olga", abstract = "In this paper an innovative approach is presented for MT, which is based on pattern matching techniques, relies on extensive target language monolingual corpora and employs a series of similarity weights between the source and the target language. Our system is based on the notion of ‘patterns’, which are viewed as ‘models ’ of target language strings, whose final form is defined by the corpus. ", address = "Oslo, Norway", booktitle = "Proceedings of EAMT 11th Annual Conference", editor = "George Potamias;Lonning J.T.; Oepen S.", isbn = "82-7368-294-3", keywords = "Machine Translation, corpus-based MT, pattern matching", month = "June 19-20", organization = "European Association for Machine Translation (ΕΑΜΤ)", pages = "239-246", title = "{U}sing {P}atterns for {M}achine {T}ranslation (MT) ", url = "http://www.mt-archive.info/EAMT-2006-Markantonatou.pdf", year = "2006", }