@article{_1994c tabouratzis, author = "Tambouratzis, George and Tambouratzis, D.", abstract = "This article investigates the behaviour of a self-organising logic neural network when it is tasksd with clustering complex data spaces. The network is based on the discriminator-node structure and is trained using an unsupervised-learning adaptation rule. The network performance is evaluated by applying it to clustering tasks involving identifiable classes, each of which consists of a lrage number of distinct subclasses. The results presented are supported by a statistical analysis, which indicates that the system is indeed suited to clustering such complex datasets. ", journal = "Network: Computation in Neural Systems", pages = "599-617", title = "{S}elf-Organisation in {C}omplex {P}attern {S}paces {U}sing a {L}ogic {N}eural {N}etwork ", volume = "5", year = "1994", }