@article{_2000 tabouratzis, author = "Tambouratzis, George", abstract = "This article investigates the application of the SOLNN (Self-Organising Logic Neural Network) n-tuple-based network to character recognition and image segmentation clustering tasks, where the classes consist of a large number of distinct sub-classes. It is shown that the SOLNN clustering performance and node utilisation are both improved by virtue of the distribution constraint mechanism. The clustering results are supported by means of a detailed analysis of the characteristics of each pattern space. This analysis, coupled with comparative results obtained using other self-organising models, illustrates that the SOLNN clusters the patterns in accordance to the pattern space characteristics and thus is well-suited to clustering complex datasets. ", doi = "10.1142/S0129065700000107", journal = "International Journal of Neural Systems", number = "2", pages = "107-121", title = "{V}ariable {S}ensitivity in {U}nsupervised {C}lustering {T}asks with an n-tuple-based {S}elf-Organising {N}eural {N}etwork ", volume = "10", year = "2000", }