@conference{_2007 tsimboukakis, author = "Tsimboukakis, N. and Tambouratzis, George", abstract = "The present article investigates the effectiveness of neural network models when applied to the task of categorising texts in the Greek language based on the style of their authors. Multilayer perceptrons (MLP), radial basis function networks (RBF) and self-organizing maps (SOM) are comparatively studied on the task of classifying documents based on a set of countable stylistic features. This task is of particular importance for information retrieval applications that involve very large databases of documents where the manual classification is extremely labour-intensive. ", address = "London, England", booktitle = " Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE-2007)", doi = "10.1109/FUZZY.2007.4295356", editor = "Costas Spyropoulos", isbn = "1-4244-1209-9", keywords = "database management systems; information retrieval; multilayer perceptrons; natural language processing; neural nets; radial basis function networks; self-organising feature maps", month = "23-26 July", organization = "IEEE", pages = "1-6", publisher = "IEEE Press", title = "{N}eural {N}etworks for {A}uthor {A}ttribution ", year = "2007", }