@conference{Fotineaetal1998, author = "Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita and Vlahakis, M. and Carayannis, George", abstract = "The relative average duration of vowels were found to have a significant impact on the perception of a given speech rate (tempo) of a Text to Speech Synthesis System (TTS) developed for the Greek language. Even though the duration ratios vary slightly according to segmental context and word prominence, their modification beyond a certain level of tolerance, may result in the perception of a mismatch for the tempo of the modified word in comparison with the tempo selected for the rest.", address = "Rhodes, Greece", booktitle = "Proc. EUSIPCO-98, Signal Processing IX, Theories and Applications", keywords = "durations, speech rate, Greek, TTS", month = "September 1998", pages = "1153-1155", title = "{T}he impact of {R}elative {A}verage {D}uration of vowels in {G}reek on the perception of a constant synthetic speech rate ", volume = "II", year = "1998", }