@conference{Vlahaketal1994, author = "Vlahakis, M. and Fotinea, Stavroula-Evita and Carayannis, George", abstract = "This paper reports the results of a complete study of F0 patterns along with durational information for their proper application, in the case of single word utterances of the Greek language expressing both affirmative statements and questions. A third type of single word expression by which the listener is prompted that more information follows is also considered. This is useful for a systematic study of the influence of the context. For each type of expression a representative pattern is obtained and modelled by using Chebyshev approximation techniques. The quality of the resulting pencil of functions is evaluated in the environment of a text to speech synthesis (TTS) system which is based on the syllable concatenation approach.", address = "Edinburgh, Scotland", booktitle = "Proc. EURASIP/EUSIPCO-94, Signal Processing VII "Theories and Applications", keywords = "stress, prosody, pitch modelling, TTS", month = "September", pages = "1-3", title = "{W}ord {L}evel {S}tress as an intrinsic property of {W}ord {L}evel {P}rosody and {P}itch {M}odeling through a pencil of functions ", volume = "I", year = "1994", }