@conference{PecinaEtAl-2012, author = "Pecina, Pavel and Toral, Antonio and Papavassiliou, Vassilis and Prokopidis, Prokopis and van Genabith, Josef", abstract = "We tackle the problem of domain adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation by exploiting domain-specific data acquired by domain-focused web-crawling. We design and evaluate a procedure for automatic acquisition of monolingual and parallel data and their exploitation for training, tuning, and testing in a phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation system. We present a strategy for using such resources depending on their availability and quantity supported by results of a large-scale evaluation on the domains of Natural Environment and Labour Legislation and two language pairs: English--French, English--Greek. The average observed increase of BLEU is substantial at 49.5% relative.", address = "Trento, Italy", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation", title = "{D}omain {A}daptation of {S}tatistical {M}achine {T}ranslation using {W}eb-Crawled {R}esources: {A} {C}ase {S}tudy ", url = "http://www.mt-archive.info/EAMT-2012-Pecina.pdf", year = "2012", }