Evanggelidis, Vasileios


Vasileios Evanggelidis

Personal Information

Position: Scientific Associate

CV Data

Vasilis Evangelidis got his Bachelor, Masters, and Doctoral Degree from the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He additionally holds a Master of Science from the Department of Archaeology of the University of Southampton. He has published a monograph on the development of the Agoras of the Greek cities in the Roman period, while he has written and co-written a series of articles on the application of computer technologies in archaeology. His current research involves Roman urbanisation, Roman Architecture, Cultural Technology and Computer Applications in Archaeology with emphasis on 3D reconstruction and archaeological GIS. He is co-organiser of the newly founded Roman Seminar initiative in Athens. Since 2002 he has joined CETI as an intern and research assistant.


  • Evanggelidis, V., Tsompanas, M., Sirakoulis, G. & Adamatzky, A. (In print). Slime mould imitates development of roman road network in the Balkans. Journal of Archaeological Science. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (In print). Agoras and Fora: Developments in the central public space of the cities of Greece during the roman period. Annuals of the British School of Athens Journal. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V., Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Georgios Ch Sirakoulis & Andrew Adamatzky. (2015). Slime mould imitates development of Roman roads in the Balkans. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2, 264-281. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V (2011). Areas of financial activities in the Agoras of the greek cities during the roman period [in Greek]. In Tzachili, I., Panagopoulou & K. (editors), Exchanges in Ancient Mediterranean [in Greek]. Crete : University of Crete. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2010). The Agoras of the Greek cities from the roman conquest to the 3d century AD. Thessaloniki, Greece : University studio press. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2010). Η Αγορά των πόλεων της Ελλάδας από τη ρωμαϊκή κατάκτηση ως τον 3ο αι. μ.Χ.. Θεσσαλονίκη : University studio press. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2008). The Architecture of the Imperial Cult in the Agoras of the Greek cities. Egnatia, 12, 125-144. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2007). The Agoras of the Greek cities from the roman conquest to the 3d century AD [in Greek]. Phd Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Tsompanopoulos, A., Pavlidis, G., Tsirliganis, N., Evanggelidis, V. & Chamzas, C. (2006). Archiving Cultural Objects in the 21st century: Pottery from Karabournaki. In Mattusch, C., Donohue, A. A., Brauer & A. (editors), Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities, Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology, pages 419-423. Boston. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Evanggelidis, V. (2006). GIS as an Interpretative Tool in Greek Archaeological Research. In G. Priestnall & P. Aplin (editors), Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference, pages 328-333. Nottingham, Great Britain. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Evanggelidis, V., Pavlidis, G., Tsirliganis, N. & Chamzas, C. (2004). Digitization And Archiving of Archaeological Sites: The KARABOURNAKI CASE. In Workshop on Novel Technologies for Digital Preservation, Information Processing and Access to Cultural Heritage Collections. Ormylia, Chalkidiki, Greece. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Evanggelidis, V., Tsirliganis, N., Pavlidis, G. & Chamzas, C. (2004). Karabournaki - Recording the past: The digitization of an Archaeological Site. In Cappellini, V., Hemsley & J. (editors), International Conference on Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts EVA2004, pages 232-237. Florence, Italy. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2003). Three dimensional representations and virtual reality in Archaeology [in Greek]. Egnatia, 7, 243-258. [...] 
  • Arnaoutoglou, F., Evanggelidis, V., Pavlidis, G., Tsirliganis, N. & Chamzas, C. (2003). 3D-GIS: New Ways In Digitization And Visualization Of Cultural Objects. In Proc. Workshop on Digitization of Cultural Content. Corfu, Greece. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Tsompanopoulos, A., Pavlidis, G., Papadopoulou, D., Tsirliganis, N., Evanggelidis, V. et al. (2003). Archiving Cultural Objects in the 21st Century: Pottery from Karabournaki. In Proc. 16th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, AIAC 2003. Boston/Cambridge, USA. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (2001). 3D Reconstruction of the Fortification of Rhodes. Master Thesis, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. [...] 
  • Evanggelidis, V. (1998). Τhe use of round towers in Greek Fortifications [in Greek]. Master Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. [...] 
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