Publication - Modern Greek Tense in main and να-subordinated clauses: an LFG/XLE treatment


Modern Greek Tense in main and να-subordinated clauses: an LFG/XLE treatment

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2014
Authors: Alexandra Fiotaki; Stella Markantonatou
Editor: Miriam Buttm, Tracy Holloway- King
Book title: Proceedings of the LFG14 Conference
Address: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Organization: ILFG and the University of Michigan
Date: July 17-19
In the framework of a Modern Greek LFG/XLE grammar development project at ILSP/”Athena” RC, we implemented a novel analysis of tense in main and na-subordinated clauses. Existing analyses of tense and the subjunctive mood in Modern Greek do not cover the entirety of tenses available in this and the subjunctive mood and do not encode facts of sequence of tenses in subordinated clauses with verbs in the subjunctive mood. Our proposal draws on Reichenbach’s ideas and provides a unified analysis of a wide range of tense and subjunctive data. We rely on corpus data retrieved from the HNC (
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