Publication - The Development of Thesauri of Historical Period Names from Web Acquired Data


The Development of Thesauri of Historical Period Names from Web Acquired Data

Research Area:  
Journal article


Year: 2014
Authors: Μ. Μουρούτσου; Stella Markantonatou; Vassilis Papavassiliou
Journal: Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
Volume: 14
Number: 4
Pages: 165-174
Periodization is a universal and very popular system of organizing History by arbitrary dividing time into periods such as “Δικτατορία” (dictatorship) in a way that is specific to places and communities. Structured collections of time period names and timelines are considered very useful in cultural content. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the systematic collection of period names of Greek History. We used the Focused Monolingual Crawler (FMC) of ILSP and an initial list of 25 “seed-terms” to develop a list of 78 period names (19th and 20th century of Modern Greek History) as well as a corpus of an average of 16 paradigms per term and 3020 valid XML documents. Period names were manually retrieved from the accumulated corpora and were annotated for a set of features, including allomorphs that occurred in the collected corpora and whether the term denoted a fact or a time period or something else as well as for persons, places and other period names related with the term.
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