Sapountzaki, Galini


Galini Sapountzaki

Personal Information

Position: Adjunct Researcher


  • Pfau, R., Dimou, A., Fotinea, S. & Sapountzaki, G (2017). Verbal morphology; Tense.. In C. C. J. Quer C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau & M. Steinbach (editors), SignGram Blueprint: A guide to sign language grammar writing (Vol. 3). Mouton de Gruyter. [...] 
  • Costello, B., Fotinea, S., Herrmann, A., Sapountzaki, G. & Sverrisdóttir, R (2017). The native lexicon.. In C. C. J. Quer C. Donati, C. Geraci, M. Kelepir, R. Pfau, , , . & M. Steinbach (editors), SignGram Blueprint: A guide to sign language grammar writing (Vol. 3). Mouton de Gruyter. [...] 
  • Efthimiou, E., Sapountzaki, G. & Andreou, G. (2015). Application of Saussurean Theory on Signed Sign Classes and Lexicalisation Processes - Grounding and Linguistic Structure: Findings from Greek Sign Language corpus analysis. In Proc. of the 22nd International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED 2015). Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Sapountzaki, G., Efthimiou, E. & Fotinea, S. (2014). Grounding and Linguistic Structure: Findings from Greek Sign Language corpus analysis. In Book of abstracts. Stuttgart, Germany. [...] 
  • Sapountzaki, G., Efthimiou, E. & Fotinea, S. (2006). Digital Technology in the service of Greek Sign Language Learning for Primary Education. In Πρακτικά Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου "Ψηφιακό Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό: ζητήματα δημιουργίας, διδακτικής αξιοποίησης και αξιολόγησης", pages 161-170. Volos, Greece. [...] 
  • Sapountzaki, G., Efthimiou, E. & Fotinea, S. (2006). Web-based Distance Learning for Greek Sign Language Teaching of deaf students. In Πρακτικά Διημερίδας «Εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση με χρήση ΤΠΕ». Lamia, Greece. [...] 
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