Publication - Language resources production models: the case of INTERA multilingual corpus and terminology


Language resources production models: the case of INTERA multilingual corpus and terminology

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2006
Authors: Maria Gavrilidou; Penny Labropoulou; Stelios Piperidis; Voula Giouli; N. Calzolari; M. Monachini; C. Soria; K. Choukri
Book title: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC-2006)
Address: Genova, Italy
This paper reports on the multilingual Language Resources (MLRs), i.e. parallel corpora and terminological lexicons for less widely digitally available languages, that have been developed in the INTERA project and the methodology adopted for their production. Special emphasis is given to the reality factors that have influenced the MLRs development approach and their final constitution. Building on the experience gained in the project, a production model has been elaborated, suggesting ways and techniques that can be exploited in order to improve LRs production taking into account realistic issues.
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