Publication - User Evaluation of a novel technique for word-order error correction


User Evaluation of a novel technique for word-order error correction

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2007
Authors: Theologos Athanaselis; K. Mamouras; Stylianos Bakamidis; Ioannis Dologlou
Book title: Proceedings of the 3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics
Address: Poznan, Poland
Date: October 5-7
This paper presents a user evaluation of a technique for repairing word order errors in Greek texts. This technique reorders words in a sentence and chooses the version that maximizes the number of trigram hits according to a language model. The novelty of this method consists in the use of an efficient confusion matrix technique for reordering the words. The comparative advantage of this method is that works with a large set of words, and avoids the laborious and costly process of collecting word order errors for creating error patterns. The experimental task concerns the collection of data from human participants when asked to reorder randomly presented words in order to form a meaningful sentence. The purpose of this experiment is to show the relation that exists between the sentences the users propose and the system's output.
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