Publication - Multimodality Issues in Conversation Analysis of Greek TV Interviews

Multimodality Issues in Conversation Analysis of Greek TV Interviews

Research Area:  
In Collection


Year: 2009
Authors: Maria Koutsombogera; Harris Papageorgiou
Publisher: Springer
Editor: Esposito, A.; Hussain, A.; Marinaro, M.; Martone, R.
Address: Berlin / Heidelberg
Pages: 40-46
ISBN: 978-3-642-00524-4
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-00525-1
This paper presents a study on multimodal conversation analysis of Greek TV interviews. Specifically, we examine the type of facial, hand and body gestures and their respective communicative functions in terms of feedback and turn management. Taking into account previous work on the analysis of non-verbal interaction, we describe the tools and the coding scheme employed, we discuss the distribution of the features of interest and we investigate the effect of the situational and conversational interview setting on the interactional behavior of the participants. Finally, we conclude with comments on future work and exploitation of the resulting resource.