Botini, Paraskevi

Paraskevi Botini

Personal Information

Position: Scientific Associate
Phone or fax: +30 210 6875345

Areas of interest

  • Software development in educational technology
  • Language teaching
  • ICT in education
  • Technology Enhanced Learning

CV data

Paraskevi Botini has graduated from the Department of Philosophy – Pedagogy – Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens and has a master degree in “Byzantine Philology” of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Athens.

She has worked as a professor of philology at a private Institute for Vocational Training ("European Educational Group") for 2 years, as well as in the field of private education ("Greek-French School of Ursulins") for 5 years.

She is a scientific associate in ILSP since 1998. In the Department of Educational Technology of ILSP / “Athena” RC she participated in the design, implementation and development of educational software for the teaching of the Greek language as a mother tongue to students of all education levels, Ancient Greek in Gymnasium and Lyceum, Greek as a foreign language, software adapted to needs students with deafness and hearing problems and also digital educational platforms. Indicatively, an non exhaustive list of the projects delivered appears below: “Nea logomatheia” (teaching of Modern Greek), “Ancient Greek with GSL” (teaching of Ancient Greek with the support of GSL), “ELPINOR” (teaching Ancient Greek in Lyceum), “The Greek language – the adventure of words” (diachronic and synchronic study of the Greek language in Gymnasium), “ANTHOLOGIO” (teaching of Ancient Greek language and civilization in Gymnasium), “GLOSSA for EPAL” (supporting Modern Greek language course), “MIKRA PAIDIA” (educational web platform for learning and entertainment for young children) etc.

She also participated in the organization and pilot application of the software were mentioned above, as well as in conducting experimental processes to students. In addition, she has experience in collecting research data for the comprehension of written texts in schools and statistical processing and analysis of linguistic data. Finally, she has made presentations of ILSP educational software in workshops (e.g. “Glossa for EPAL”), she has taken part in science and research events (e.g. Researchers Night, Athens Science Festival etc.) and innovation actions, in which she participated in the demonstration of eye-recording systems in semi-experimental conditions, visits to schools, etc.
