Project - QTLaunchPad: Preparation and Launch of a Large-Scale Action for Quality Translation Technology

QTLaunchPad: Preparation and Launch of a Large-Scale Action for Quality Translation Technology

Start date: 01-07-2012
End date: 30-06-2014
Funded by: ICT (FP7)
Project leader: Stelios Piperidis

QTLaunchPad will prepare the grounds for a new type of collaborative MT research dedicated to overcoming existing quality barriers. QTLaunchPad will assemble and provide needed data and tools including specialised translation corpora, test suites and tools for quality assessment, create a shared quality metrics for human and machine translation, improve automatic translation quality estimation, extend an existing platform for resource-sharing to the needs of quality MT research, define strategies and challenges and then plan and launch a large-scale research and innovation action for a breakthrough in quality translation technology.

In contrast to the large generic gist translation online services, the final target will be a service model based on competition and combination of specialised services, accounting for and capitalising on the SME-dominated European LT and LSP industries. For the planning process, QTLaunchPad will assemble the best European centres of MT research, the most sophisticated and enthusiastic large-scale users of translation technology including enlightened potential users, technophile and quality-conscious translation service providers, providers of language tools and resources and experienced technology integrators.


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