Project - ENABLE: Network of ICT supported Learning for Disabled People

ENABLE: Network of ICT supported Learning for Disabled People

Start date: 01-11-2011
End date: 31-10-2014
Funded by: GRUNDTVIG Lifelong Learning Programme

Disabled people experience significant barriers to social participation and accessing education and employment. Many of them already use ICT to overcome the barriers they would otherwise face. However, ICT can be both an enabler which increases access and participation (opportunities) and a source of additional barriers, depending on its design and implementation. The ENABLE network entails 16 European Partners and four third country partners with the purpose to explore how information and communication technologies (ICT) are used to support lifelong learning by disabled adults in order to overcome barriers and increase opportunities


Project outcomes will include:

  • An overview of the current situation.
  • A user-annotated database of ICT solutions with examples of good practice.
  • Online training modules for those delivering adult education.
  • Principles and recommendations for good practice.
  • Methodologies for evaluation and categorisation of ICT tools.
  • Recommendations for future research
  • Comparative evaluation of the current situation in 16 different countries.
  • Accessible website with a range of networking tools.
  • An international conference (mid 2014).



Research areas