Publication - Beyond multimedia integration: corpora and annotations for crossmedia decision mechanisms

Beyond multimedia integration: corpora and annotations for crossmedia decision mechanisms

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2006
Authors: Katerina Pastra
Book title: Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Language and Evaluation (LREC-2006)
Pages: 499-504
Date: May
In this paper, we look into the notion of cross-media decision mechanisms, focussing on ones that work within multimedia documents for a variety of applications, such as the generation of intelligent multimedia presentations and multimedia indexing. In order for these mechanisms to go beyond the identification of semantic equivalence relations between media —which is what integration does— appropriate corpora and annotations are needed. Drawing from our experience in the REVEAL THIS project, we indicate the characteristics that such corpora should have, and suggest a number of annotations that would allow for training/designing such mechanisms. We conclude with a view on the suitability of two related markup languages (MPEG-7 and EMMA) for accommodating the suggested annotations.
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