Publication - A Morphological Approach for Text-Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents

A Morphological Approach for Text-Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2010
Authors: Vassilis Papavassiliou; Vassilis Katsouros; George Carayannis
Volume: 1
Book title: in proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition 2010
Address: Kolkata, India
Organization: IAPR
Date: 16-18 November 2010
DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2009.05.007
Document image segmentation to text lines is a critical stage towards unconstrained handwritten document recognition. Although morphological operations proved to be effective in processing machine-printed documents for several issues, similar methods for unconstraint-handwritten documents lack accuracy. We propose an efficient method based on binary morphology for text-line segmentation in such documents. The basic steps of our approach are: a) subsampling and binary rank order filtering to enhance the text-line structures and b) applying dilations and (p,q)-th generalized foreground rank openings successively to join close and horizontally overlapping regions while preventing a merge in the vertical direction. The method tested on the benchmarking dataset of the ICDAR07 handwriting segmentation contest and show remarkable results