@conference{_1996 tabouratzis, author = "Tambouratzis, George", abstract = "This article discusses the implementation of a hand-written character recognition task using neural networks. Two logic neural networks-the WISARD (I. Aleksander and H. Morton, 1990) and the SOLNN (G. Tambouratzis and T.J. Stonham, 1993)-are compared on the basis of their classification accuracy. The results obtained are compared to these of other researchers, to objectively assess the success of the neural networks in classifying the dataset. ", address = "Toulouse, France", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ICTAI'96 Conference", doi = "10.1109/TAI.1996.560461", isbn = "0-8186-7686-7", keywords = "character recognition; handwriting recognition; neural nets; pattern classification; self-organising feature maps ", month = "16-19 July", pages = "269-272", publisher = "IEEE PRESS", title = "{A}pplying {L}ogic {N}eural {N}etworks to {H}and-written {C}haracter {R}ecognition {T}asks ", year = "1996", }