@conference{Pistofidis_2012b, author = "Pistofidis, Petros and Emmanouilidis, Christos", abstract = "This paper presents an analysis of the potentials and the methodology for handling context events and adaptations in context-aware maintenance services. A significant number of IT systems that currently support industry and manufacturing, employ data models and service frame manufacturing, specifications where drafted on the basis of non-context-aware functional requirements. Following the system’s modularity, little to no care was taken for providing data fusion in a context aware manner. Though system intelligence might have been an added feature for a subset of such systems, two major requirements kept implementations away from such an a doption: (i) refactoring and reengineering the system’s base services (ii) customising and modifying the structure of a data model tightly connected with in ter-process organisation (in-tra-interoperability). This paper discusses a methodology for injecting industrial systems with modelling semantics and software mechanisms that enable context awareness via capable portable clients and application-agnostic data fusion services. ", address = "Rhodes, Greece", booktitle = "APMS 2012 - Advances in Production Management Systems", keywords = "Context Awareness, Information Management, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Mobile Maintenance, Intelligent Systems, Physical Asset Management", month = "24-26 September 2012", organization = "IFIP", publisher = "Springer", title = "{P}rofiling context awareness in mobile and cloud based engineering asset management ", url = "http://www.ceti.gr/compsys/Files/APMS2012_preprint_pistofidis-276.pdf", year = "2012", }