@conference{Economou et al 2000, author = "Economou, Nadia and Raptis, Spyros and Stainhaouer, Gregory", abstract = "This paper introduces a project, LEXIPLOIGISSI * , which involves use of language resources for educational purposes. More particularly, the aim of the project is to develop written corpora, electronic dictionaries and exercises to enhance students’ reading and writing abilities in six different school subjects. It is the product of a small-scale pilot program that will be part of the school curriculum in the three grades of Upper Secondary Education in Greece. The application seeks to create exploratory learning environments in which digital sound, image, text and video are fully integrated through the educational platform and placed under the direct control of users who are able to follow individual pathways through data stores.", address = "Athens, Greece", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation", month = "31 May-2 June", pages = "1787-1792", title = "{L}EXIPLOIGISSI: {A}n {E}ducational {P}latform for the {T}eaching of {T}erminology in {G}reece ", url = "http://gandalf.aksis.uib.no/non/lrec2000/pdf/271.pdf", volume = "3", year = "2000", }