Publication - Automatic Acquisition of Machine Translation Resources in the Abu-MaTran Project

Automatic Acquisition of Machine Translation Resources in the Abu-MaTran Project

Research Area:  
Journal article


Year: 2015
Authors: Antonio Toral; Tommi Pirinen; Andy Way; Raphaël Rubino; Gema Ramírez-Sánchez; Sergio Ortiz-Rojas; Víctor Sánchez-Cartagena; Jorge Ferrández-Tordera; Mikel Forcada; Miquel Espl`a-Gomis; Nikola Ljubesic; Filip Klubicka; Prokopis Prokopidis; Vassilis Papavassiliou
Journal: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
Volume: 55
Pages: 185-188
ISSN: 1135-5948
This paper provides an overview of the research and development activities carried out to alleviate the language resources' bottleneck in machine translation within the Abu-MaTran project. We have developed a range of tools for the acquisition of the main resources required by the two most popular approaches to machine translation, i.e. statistical (corpora) and rule-based models (dictionaries and rules). All these tools have been released under open-source licenses and have been developed with the aim of being useful for industrial exploitation.