@incollection{CLEF_2008, author = "Forner, Pamela and Penas, Anselmo and Alegria, Inaki and Forascu, Corina and Moreau, Nicolas and Osenova, Petya and Prokopidis, Prokopis and Rocha, Paulo and Sacaleanu, Bodgan and Sutcliffe, Richard and Tjong Kim Sang, Erik", abstract = "The QA campaign at CLEF 2008, was mainly the same as that proposed last year. The results and the analyses reported by last year’s participants suggested that the changes introduced in the previous campaign had led to a drop in systems’ performance. So for this year’s competition it has been decided to practically replicate last year’s exercise. Following last year’s experience some QA pairs were grouped in clusters. Every cluster was characterized by a topic (not given to participants). The questions from a cluster contained co-references between one of them and the others. Moreover, as last year, the systems were given the possibility to search for answers in Wikipedia as document corpus beside the usual newswire collection. In addition to the main task, three additional exercises were offered, namely the Answer Validation Exercise (AVE), the Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions (QAST), which continued last year’s successful pilots, together with the new Word Sense Disambiguation for Question Answering (QA-WSD). As general remark, it must be said that the main task still proved to be very challenging for participating systems. As a kind of shallow comparison with last year’s results the best overall accuracy dropped significantly from 42% to 19% in the multi-lingual subtasks, but increased a little in the monolingual sub-tasks, going from 54% to 63%.", address = "Berlin, Heidelberg", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th Cross-language evaluation forum conference on Evaluating systems for multilingual and multimodal information access", editor = "Carol Peters and Thomas Deselaers and Nicola Ferro and Julio Gonzalo and Gareth J. F. Jones and Mikko Kurimo and Thomas Mandl and Anselmo Pe?as and Vivien Petras", isbn = "3-642-04446-8, 978-3-642-04446-5", pages = "262--295", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", title = "{O}verview of the {C}LEF 2008 {M}ultilingual {Q}uestion {A}nswering {T}rack ", url = "http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1813809.1813852", year = "2009", }