Markantonatou, Stella

Stella Markantonatou

Personal Information

Position: Research Director
Phone or fax: +30 210 6875452

Areas of interest

  • Lexical Semantics
  • Ontologies
  • Development of lexical resources with hybrid methods
  • Standardization (especially as regards cultural data)

CV data

Stella Markantonatou holds the following degrees: Degree in Chemical Engineering (NTUA), Degree in Linguistics (University of Athens), MA in Knowledge Representation (University of Sussex), PhD in Linguistics (University of Essex). For the period 1992-1996 she belonged to the Essex Computational Linguistics Group and was the person mainly responsible for a number of CEC funded projects concerning grammar development and computational lexica specifications (LRE, MLAP).

She has been a member of ILSP since 1998. For the period 1998-2008 she was the Head of the Machine Translation Department of ILSP / R.C. "Athena". She has coordinated both nationally funded (Schematopiisis, Proteus) and EU funded (METIS I and II) projects and has worked on thematic areas concerning controlled languages and hybrid statistical machine translation. She was a main participant in national and European research projects that employed ontologies to represent lexical knowledge (EKFRASIS) and knowledge about cultural objects (ML-Images!, byzantine icons – EIKONOGNOSIA, Corgialenion Historical Museum). She has taught in various Universities (University of Essex, University of Cyprus, University of Crete, University of Athens, NTUA) at both a graduate and a post-graduate level while the topics addressed include grammatical formalisms (LFG, HPSG), lexical and formal semantics and computational linguistics. She has been a co-organizer of a number of international conferences (LAGB 1995 (Fall), LREC2000, LFG2002) and she is a member of TEE, EETN, LAGB and TE21.


Grammatical Formalisms, MA/MsC "Technoglossia"

General info about the course

Lecture 1 Lecture 6
Lecture 2 Lecture 7
Lecture 3 Lecture 8
Lecture 4 Lecture 9
Lecture 5 Lecture 10


Internship Reports

Katerina Tzortzi. 2013. 'Techniques for the enrichment of ‘Ekfrasis’, the conceptually organized lexicon of the Institute for Language and Speech Processing/R.C. “Athena”: the verbs of the “medical” field." Internship Report. Institute for Language and Speech Processing/R.C. "Athena". Supervisor: Stella Markantonatou. 

Alexandra Fiotaki. 2013. "Practice with the XLE platform: development of toy grammars of Modern Greek." Internship Report. Institute for Language and Speech Processing/R.C. "Athena". Supervisor: Stella Markantonatou.

Maria Mouroutsou. 2013. "Usage of the ILSP Focuced Monolingual Crawler for developing thesauri of historical period names retrieved from the web". Internship Report. Institute for Language and Speech Processing/R.C. "Athena". Supervisors: Vassilis Papavassiliou and Stella Markantonatou.

MA Dissertations

Panagiotis Minos. 2013. LFG parser (working on Microsoft Windows, standalone application). Developed as part of P. Minos' MA dissertation (course "Technoglossia").Supervisors: S. Markantonatou, Y. Maistros.



  • Markantonatou, S., Kouris, P., Selimi, Κ., Stasinou, D. & Maistros, Y. (2019). Ψυχή άσπρη σαν το χιόνι but never ψυχή άσπρη σαν το γάλα: semasio-syntactic comments on the fixed similes of Modern Greek. Μελέτες για την ελληνική γλώσσα 39, 639-650. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Pavlidis, G. (2018). Greek culinary tourism is lost in translation. In In ICSIMAT Proceedings. Springer. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Carlos Ramisch, Agata Savary & Veronika Vincze. (2018). Multiword expressions at length and in depth. [...] 
  • Vacalopoulou, A., Markantonatou, S., Minos, P. & Toraki, K. (2018). Open-access Resource for the Management and Promotion of Greek Museums with Folk Exhibits_1. In In ICSIMAT Proceedings. Springer. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Kouris, P. & Yanis Maistros. (2018). Fixed Similes: Measuring aspects of the relation between MWE idiomatic semantics and syntactic flexibility. In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018), pages 51-61. [...] 
  • Kiourt, C. & Markantonatou, S. (2018). Intertwining Culture With Education Through Gamified Storytelling: The Case of “Myth Trek”. International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), 2(1), 8-22. [...] 
  • Pavlidis, G. & Markantonatou, S (2018). Playful education and innovative gamified learning approaches. Handbook of Research on Educational Design and Cloud Computing in Modern Classroom Settings. IGI Global. [...] 
  • Sailer, M. & Markantonatou, S. (2018). Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective. Language Science Press. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. (2018). Multiword expressions at length and in depth : Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Niki Samaridi. (2018). Revisiting the grammatical function "οbject" (OBJ and OBJθ ). [...] 
  • Maniati, G., Gotsoulia, P. & Markantonatou, S. (2017). Contrasting the Conceptual Lexicon of ILSP (CL-ILSP) with major lexicographic examples. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Berlin. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Minos, P. & Pavlidis, G. (2017). Retrieving Structured Information from (Semi-)/(Un-) Structured Cultural Object Documentation. International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), 1(1), 89-99. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Minos, P., Katerina Tzortzi & Pavlidis, G. (2016). Metadata for the learning objects that contain cultural objects.. Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 16(5). [...] 
  • Kiourt, C., Koutsoudis, A., Markantonatou, S. & Pavlidis, G. (2016). THE ‘SYNTHESIS’ VIRTUAL MUSEUM. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16(5), 1-9. [...] 
  • Pavlidis, G. & Markantonatou, S. (2015). GameIt and a new paradigm on gaming in education. Ioannis Liritzis University of the Aegean, GR Arne Flaten Ball State University Susan Bergeron, 23, 39. [...] 
  • Hercules Panoutsopoulos, Pavlidis, G., Markantonatou, S., Vasilis Economou, Sofia Mysirlaki, Nikolaos Papastamatiou et al. (2015). Create It’--‘Share It’--‘Game It’: the case of a web-based digital platform for creating, sharing and delivering gamified educational scenarios. In Proceedings of EDULEARN15 Conference. [...] 
  • Georgia Petsa, Kiourt, C., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F., Markantonatou, S. & Pavlidis, G. (2015). Towards a unified cultural and educational portal prototype for museums and exhibitions, International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology: Museums & Cultural Tourism. [...] 
  • Kiourt, C., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F., Georgia Petsa, Markantonatou, S. & Pavlidis, G. (2015). The ‘Synthesis’ Virtual Museum--an open virtual exhibition creation tool, Delphi, Greece, International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology: Museums & Cultural Tourism. [...] 
  • Kiourt, C., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F., Georgia Petsa, Markantonatou, S. & Pavlidis, G. (2015). A dynamic web-based 3D virtual museum framework based on open data. In Digital Heritage, 2015, pages 647-650. [...] 
  • Fotopoulou, A., Markantonatou, S. & Giouli, V. (2014). Encoding MWEs in a conceptual lexicon. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE), pages 43-47. [...] 
  • Maria S Mouroutsou, Markantonatou, S. & Papavassiliou, V. (2014). The development of vocabularies of historical period names from web acquired corpora7. Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14(4). [...] 
  • Samaridi, N. & Markantonatou, S. (2014). Parsing Modern Greek verb MWEs with LFG/XLE grammars. In The 10th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2014), Workshop at EACL 2014, pages 33-37. Gothenburg, Sweden. [...] 
  • Tzortzi, K. & Markantonatou, S. (2014). Development of a Conceptual Lexicon with ontological techniques. In Proceedings of Terminology and Ontology: theories and applications TOth 2014. Chambéry, France. [...] 
  • Fiotaki, A. & Markantonatou, S. (2014). Modern Greek Tense in main and να-subordinated clauses: an LFG/XLE treatment. In Miriam Buttm & Tracy Holloway- King (editors), Proceedings of the LFG14 Conference. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA : CSLI Publications. [...] 
  • Μουρούτσου, Μ., Markantonatou, S. & Papavassiliou, V. (2014). The Development of Thesauri of Historical Period Names from Web Acquired Data. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14(4), 165-174. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Anastasopoulos, A. & Maistros, Y. (2013). Explicit Objects and Polysemy. In To appear in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Rhodes, Greece. [...] 
  • Tzortzi, K. & Markantonatou, S. (2013). The Medical Event in a Conceptual Lexicon. In To appear in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Rhodes, Greece. [...] 
  • Anastasopoulos, A., Markantonatou, S. & Maistros, Y. (2013). Using object noun and clitic frequencies in the study of transitivity in Modern Greek. In The relative frequencies of nouns, pronouns, and verbs in discourse. An international workshop. Workshop organised in the framework of the 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. Leipzig. [...] 
  • Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Markantonatou, S., Penstein, R. & Aloimonos, Y. (2011). Semantic clusters combined with kinematics: the case of English motion verbs. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 20). Thessaloniki. [...] 
  • Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Markantonatou, S., Penstein, R. & Aloimonos, Y. (2010). Comparing linguistic classifications with sensorimotor data of English and Greek verbs of motion. In Verb 2010. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Verbs. The Identification and Representation of Verb Features. Pisa, Italy. [...] 
  • Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Markantonatou, S., Penstein, R. & Aloimonos, Y. (2010). Modelling the semantics of motion verbs based on sensorimotor measurements. In Embodied and situated language processing (ESLP). [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Fotopoulou, A., Mini, M. & Alexopoulou, M. (2010). In search of the right word. In Proceedings of Cogalex-2: Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon, 2nd SIGLEX endorsed Workshop. Beijing. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Sofianopoulos, S., Yannoutsou, O. & Vassiliou, M (2009). Hybrid Machine Translation for Low- and Middle- Density Languages. In S. Nirenburg (editor), Language Engineering for Lesser-studied Languages, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security 21. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Tzevelekou, M (2008). Motion verbs in the acquisition of Greek as a second language. In Μόζερ, Α., Μπακάκου-Ορφανού, A., Χαραλαμπάκης, X et al (editors), For the sake of language. In honour of Prof. George Babiniotis. Athens. [...] 
  • Schmidt, P., Vandeghinste, V., Dirix, P., Schuurman, I., Markantonatou, S., Sofianopoulos, S. et al. (2008). Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II. In Calzolari N., Choukri K., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odjik J., Piperidis S. et al (editors), Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), pages 449-456. Marrakech, Morocco. [...] 
  • Carl, M., Melero, M., Badia, T., Vandeghinste, V., Dirix, P., Schuurman, I. et al. (2008). METIS-II: low resource machine translation. Machine Translation, 22(1-2), 67-99. [...] 
  • Carayannis, G., Vavliakis, K., Markantonatou, S., Daniilia, S., Sotiropoulou, S., Alexopoulou, M. et al. (2008). Eikonognosia-An Integrated System for Advanced Retrieval of Scientific Data and Metadata of Byzantine Artworks Using Semantic Web Technologies. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums. Athens. [...] 
  • Alexopoulou, M., Markantonatou, S., Mini, M. & Fotopoulou, A. (2007). Using lexical fields to build a semantically-organised lexicon for Modern Greek. In Proceedings of Advances in Language Engineering for Low- and Middle- Density languages, ASI. Batumi, Georgia. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Fotopoulou, A. (2007). The tool ”Ekfrasi". In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, The Lexicography Workshop. Ioannina, Greece. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Sofianopoulos, S., Spilioti, V., Tambouratzis, G., Vassiliou, M. & Yannoutsou, O. (2007). An MT System Embedding Pattern Knowledge. In Van Eynde F., V, Eghinste V. & Schuurman I. (editors), Proceedings of the 'New Approaches to Machine Translation' workshop held in conjunction with the 17th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 2007), pages 11-18. Leuven, Belgium. [...] 
  • Sofianopoulos, S., Spilioti, V., Vassiliou, M., Yannoutsou, O. & Markantonatou, S. (2007). Demonstration of the Greek to English METIS-II MT System. In Way A. & Gawronska B. (editors), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI-07), pages 199-205. Skovde, Sweden,. [...] 
  • Vandeghinste, V., Schuurman, I., Carl, M., Markantonatou, S. & Badia, T. (2006). METIS-II: Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006). Genoa, Italy. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Sofianopoulos, S., Spilioti, V., Tambouratzis, G., Vassiliou, M. & Yannoutsou, O. (2006). Using Patterns for Machine Translation (MT). In George Potamias, Lonning J.T. & Oepen S. (editors), Proceedings of EAMT 11th Annual Conference, pages 239-246. Oslo, Norway. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Sofianopoulos, S., Spilioti, V., Vassiliou, M., Yannoutsou, O. & Markantonatou, S. (2006). Pattern Matching-Based System for Machine Translation (MT). In G. Antoniou, G. Potamias, C. Spyropoulos & D. Plexousakis (editors), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 4th Hellenic Conference on AI, pages 345-355. Heraklion, Greece : Springer-Verlag. [...] 
  • Trapalis, G., Markantonatou, S., Alexopoulou, M., Alexopoulou, M., Fotopoulou, A. & Maistros, Y. (2005). Developing a small scale semantically organized Lexical Database of Modern Greek. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. York, UK. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Vassiliou, M. & Yannoutsou, O. (2005). Ontologies and Thesauri. In Proceedings of HERCMA 2005. Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Sofianopoulos, S., Spilioti, V., Tambouratzis, G., Vassiliou, M., Yannoutsou, O. et al. (2005). Monolingual Corpus-based MT using Chunks. In Proceedings of the Workshop on EBMT, held within the MT Summit X, pages 91-98. Phuket, Thailand,. [...] 
  • Vassiliou, M., Yannoutsou, O., Ιωάννου, Ν. & Markantonatou, S. (2005). Terminology management fοr the development of business ontologies [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference "Greek Language and Terminology", pages 235-242. Λευκωσία, Κύπρος. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, N., Vassiliou, M., Tambouratzis, D. & Carayannis, G. (2004). Discriminating the registers and styles in the Modern Greek language– Part 2: Extending the Feature Vector to Optimise Author Discrimination. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Jun 2004:19(Jun 2004:1), 221 – 242. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, N., Vassiliou, M., Tambouratzis, D. & Carayannis, G. (2004). Discriminating the registers and styles in the Modern Greek language – Part 1: Diglossia in Stylistic Analysis ,. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Jun 2004:19, 197 - 220. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, N., Vassiliou, M., Carayannis, G. & Tambouratzis, D. (2004). Discriminating the Registers and Styles in the Modern Greek Language-Part 2: Extending the Feature Vector to Optimize Author Discrimination. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 19(2), 221-242. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, Ν., Vassiliou, M., Carayannis, G. & Tambouratzis, D. (2004). Discriminating the Registers and Styles in the Modern Greek Language-Part 1: Diglossia in Stylistic Analysis. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 19(2), 197-220. [...] 
  • Vassiliou, M. & Markantonatou, S. (2003). Developing a multilingual thesaurus respecting international standards. In Greek Language and Terminology. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting, pages 263-270. Athens. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Vassiliou, M. & Tambouratzis, D. (2003). Employing Statistical Methods for Obtaining Discriminant Style Markers within a Specific Register. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Text Processing for Modern Greek: From Symbolic to Statistical Approaches (held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference of Greek Linguistics), pages 1-10. Rethymno, Greece. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Tambouratzis, G., Hairetakis, N., Carayannis, G., Vassiliou, M. & Tambouratzis, D. (2003). Discriminating the Registers and Styles in the Modern Greek Language. Recherches en Linguistique Grecque. In Clairis & C. (editors), Actes du 5e Colloque International de linguistique grecque,, pages 87-90. Sorbonne, France. [...] 
  • Vassiliou, M., Markantonatou, S., Maistros, Y. & Karkaletsis, V. (2003). Evaluating Specifications for Controlled Greek. In Proceedings of The Joint Conference of the 8th International Workshop of the European Association for Machine Translation and the 4th Controlled Language Applications Workshop, pages 185-193. Dublin, Ireland. [...] 
  • Vassiliou, M. & Markantonatou, S. (2003). Development of a multilingual thesaurus based on international standards [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference "Greek Language and Terminology", pages 263-270. Αθήνα. [...] 
  • Dologlou, I., Markantonatou, S., Tambouratzis, G., Yannoutsou, O., Fourla, . & Ioannou, N. (2003). Using Monolingual Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation: The METIS System. In Proceedings of the EAMT-CLAW 03: Controlled Language Translation, pages 61-68. Dublin, Ireland. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Hairetakis, G., Markantonatou, S. & Carayannis, G. (2003). Applying the SOM Model to Text Classification According to Register and Stylistic Content. International Journal of Neural Systems, 13(1), 1-11. [...] 
  • Oersnes, B. & Markantonatou, S. (2002). Group Adjectives. Journal of Greek Linguistics, 139-178. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Trapalis, G. (2002). MG Verbs of Contact Through Motion: a Study in the Compatibility of Semantic Factors and their Reflexes on the Syntax. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Karkaletsis, V. & Maistros, Y. (2002). An Authoring Tool for Controlled Modern Greek. In Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2002). Thessaloniki. [...] 
  • Maistros, Y., Vassiliou, M. & Markantonatou, S. (2001). QUICKLEM: How you find the lemma without a morphological lexicon. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Greek Linguistics. Paris. [...] 
  • Karkaletsis, V., Samaritakis, G., Petasis, G., Farmakiotou, D., Androutsopoulos, I., Markantonatou, S. et al. (2001). A Controlled Language Checker Based on the Ellogon Text Engineering Platform. In Proceedings from Language Technologies 2001: The Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Hairetakis, N., Markantonatou, S. & Carayannis, G. (2001). Evaluating SOM-based Models in Text Classification Tasks for the Greek Language. In Allinson, N., Yin, H., Allinson, L. & Slack et al (editors), Proceedings of the WSOM-2001 Workshop: Advances in Self-Organising Maps,, pages 267-274. Lincoln, U.K. : Springer-Verlag, London. [...] 
  • Vassiliou, M., Markantonatou, S., Maistros, Y. & Karkaletsis, V. (2001). Controlled Greek: Design & Implementation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, pages 323-325. Paris. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, N., Vassiliou, M., Tambouratzis, D. & Carayannis, G. (2000). Discriminating the Registers and Styles in the Modern Greek Language. In Kilgarriff, A., & Sardinha & T.B. (editors), Proceedings of the Workshop on Comparing Corpora (held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics), pages 35-42. Hong Kong, China. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Tambouratzis, G. (2000). Μερικές Ποσοτικές Παρατηρήσεις για την Χρήση της Γραμματικής Άρνησης στην Νέα Ελληνική. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pages 436-447. Thessaloniki. [...] 
  • Tambouratzis, G., Markantonatou, S., Hairetakis, N. & Carayannis, G. (2000). Automatic Style Categorisation of Corpora in the Greek Language. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluations, pages 135-140. Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • M. Gavrilidou , G. Carayannis , S. Markantonatou , S. Piperidis & G. Steinhaouer, editors. (2000). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Sadler, L (1997). Lexical Generalisations. In Van Eyde & Frank (editors). [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S (1997). The Case of English Motion Verbs. In Mereu & Lunella (editors), Proceedings of the European Workshop on the Boundaries of Morphology and Syntax, Terza Universita Degli Studi di Roma, October 1997. Benjamins Publishing Company. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Oersnes, B. (1997). Relational Adjectives in Dannish, English and Modern Greek: an HPSG Approach. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference in Greek Linguistics. Athens. [...] 
  • Bredenkamp, A., Markantonatou, S. & Sadler, L. (1996). Lexical Rules: What are they?. In Coling 96, pages 163-168. [...] 
  • Arnold, D., Badia, T., Van Genabith, J., Markantonatou, S., Momma, S., Sadler, L. et al. (1996). Experiments in Reusability of Grammatical Resources. In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, April 1992. Utrecht, The Netherlands. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S., Calliakostas, A., Bouboureka, V., Kordoni, E. & Stavrakaki, S. (1996). A (lexical) semantic description of the Modern Greek deverbal nominals ending in -tos.. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki : Kyriakides. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. (1995). Modern Greek Deverbal Nominals: an LMT Approach. Journal of Linguistics, 31, 267-299. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Sadler, L (1995). Linking Indirect Arguments and Verb Alternations in English. In Daniel Godard, Daniel, Jayet & Jacques (editors), Selected Papers from the “Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique de Paris (CSSP 95). Paris : Peter Lang. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. (1994). Ditransitive verbs: a lexical-semantic approach. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki : Kyriakides. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. & Sadler, L. (1994). Grammatical Formalisms: Issues in Migration and Expressivity. Studies in Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing, Volume 4. Commission of the European Communities.. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S (1993). Visibility versus Suppression. In Philippaki-Warburton, Irene, Nicolaidis, Katerina , Sifianou & Maria (editors), Themes in Greek Linguisitcs. John Benjamins Publishing Company. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. (1992). The Syntax of the Modern Greek Noun Phrases with a Deverbal Nominal Head. Phd Thesis, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, UK. [...] 
  • Markantonatou, S. (1992). Deverbal Nominals. In Kyriakides (editor), Proceedings of the 13rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki : Kyriakides. [...]