Publication - Integrating translation technologies towards a powerful translation Web service

Integrating translation technologies towards a powerful translation Web service

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2004
Authors: Vassilis Antonopoulos; Iason Demiros; George Carayannis; Stelios Piperidis
Volume: 1
Book title: Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 2004 IEEE Conference on
Pages: 526-531
Date: December
ISBN: 0780386434
DOI: 10.1109/ICCIS.2004.1460470
Rapid changes in the global marketplace have given rise to new demands and have provided new opportunities for the translation industry. The need for multilinguality in the presentation and business logic layers of most modern systems, applications and services is a great challenge that the translation industry now faces. But even after many years of intense research and many commercial attempts of related products, translation systems of today still fail to completely meet the above needs. Within this framework, an architecture of a modern automatic translation system exploiting current infrastructure and covering today and future needs is proposed in this paper.