VERS UNE CLASSE ACTIVE Techniques d'enseignement du Francais Langue Etrangere
VERS UNE CLASSE ACTIVE Techniques d'enseignement du Francais Langue Etrangere

VERS UNE CLASSE ACTIVE Techniques d'enseignement du Francais Langue Etrangere

The objective of the Language Teaching series launched by the Institute for Language and Speech Processing is to relate theory to practice. Already published in this series:

The teacher's book VERS UNE CLASSE ACTIVE is addressed to teachers and future teachers of French as a foreign language who wish to apply a dynamic approach to the language/culture in class.
It is a useful pedagogical tool, which offers the teacher:
  • An introduction to the problematic of foreign language teaching
  • Techniques of the linguistic and cultural approach which can be exploited in a dynamic class
  • 10 examples of lesson plans for direct implementation in class (intermediate level)
  • Didactic units which can be modified according to the target group interests and needs
  • Advice for the development of further lesson plans
  • A reservoir of a variety of activities

The proposed pedagogical material can be used as a complement to any course book or as a basis for revision.

The book is co-published by ILSP / R.C. "Athena" and Eiffel Editions


Editor: Ioanna Antoniou-Kritikou


We would like to inform you that ILSP has ceased the sales of all its physical products (books, CD/DVD-ROMs) altogether. Our products have been significant innovative results of the R&D activity of our researchers and have allowed, over two decades, the Greek society, public sector and industry to learn and enjoy the potential of digital tools and services. ILSP continues to develop new technologies and systems and to offer innovative services and technological solutions following its vision for the digital transformation of Greece and contribution to dealing with grand societal challenges.