Publication - One Ontology to Bind Them All: The META-SHARE OWL Ontology for the Interoperability of Linguistic Datasets on the Web

One Ontology to Bind Them All: The META-SHARE OWL Ontology for the Interoperability of Linguistic Datasets on the Web

Research Area:  
Book chapter


Year: 2015
Authors: John McCrae; Penny Labropoulou; Jorge Gracia; Marta Villegas; Victor Rodriguez-Doncel; Philipp Cimiano
Editor: Gandon, F. and Guéret, C. and Villata, S. and Breslin, J. and Faron-Zucker, C. and Zimmermann, A.
Pages: 271—282
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-319-25639-9
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25639-9_42