Glaros, Nicholas

Nicholas Glaros

Personal Information

Position: Senior Research Fellow
Phone or fax: +30 210 6875451

Areas of interest

  • Language resources
  • Advanced spelling checkers
  • Computer-aided stenotype transcription
  • Knowledge technologies

CV data

Nicholas Glaros received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in 1995, both from the National Technical University of Athens. For many years he has been professionally involved in the areas of microcomputer-based systems design and implementation, DSP processors applications development (including optical character recogntion and speech coding systems), software and system programming, etc. In 1992, he joined the Institute for Language and Speech Processing / R.C. "Athena" (ILSP / R.C. "Athena"), Athens, Greece, as a research-computer engineer. Since then he has worked for ILSP / R.C. "Athena" on a series of national and european projects related to language technology. In particular, his contribution was to the fields of speech recognition, speech analysis and synthesis, linguistic tools and applications development. He has a long term experience in teaching information technology specific courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level in local technological institutions and universities. He has published results of his work in scientific journals and international conferences. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (since 1984), and of IEEE (1981-83 and 1991-2005).


  • Skadiņa, I., Aker, A., Mastropavlos, N., Su, F., Tufis, D., Mateja, V. et al. (2012). Collecting and Using Comparable Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation. In On-Line Proceedings of the LREC2012 Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 438-445. Istanbul, Turkey. [...] 
  • Χαριλάου, Ν., Glaros, N. & Γαγιάτσου, Σ. (2010). Greek Writers on the Internet. The Literary Collection POTHEG. [in Greek]. In Dimadis A.K. (editor), Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Modern Greek Studies, pages 671-680. Granada, Spain. [...] 
  • Giouli, V., Glaros, N., Simov, K. & Osenova, P. (2009). A web-enabled and speech-enhanced parallel corpus of Greek - Bulgarian cultural texts. In Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Language Technology and Resources for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education - LaTeCH - SHELT&R 2009, pages 35 - 42. Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Bouros, P., Fotopoulou, A. & Glaros, N. (2005). An interactive environment for creating and validating syntactic rules. In Proceedings of RANLP2005, 15th International Conference on Recent Advances on Natural Language Processing. Borovets, Bulgaria. [...] 
  • Bouros, P., Fotopoulou, A. & Glaros, N. (2005). An interactive environment for creating and validating syntactic rules. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Bulgaria. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. (2004). Σύστημα Μεταφοράς Προφορικού σε Γραπτό Λόγο Μέσω Στενοτυπίας. Athens, ILSP. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. (2001). Πρόταση για ένα Βέλτιστο Ελληνικό Πληκτρολόγιο. Athens, ILSP. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. & Carayannis, G. (1994). Exact and First-Order Error Analysis of the Schur and the split Schur Algorithms: Theory and Practice. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 42(8), 1916-1938. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. & Carayannis, G. (1992). A Comparative Fixed-Point Error Analysis of the Schur and split Schur Algorithms. In V, Ewalle J., Boite R., Moonen M. & Oosterlinck A. (editors), Proceedings of EUSIPCO '92, 6th European Signal Processing Conference, pages 1129-1132. Brussels : Elsevier. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. & Carayannis, G. (1992). A Comparative Fixed-Point Error Analysis of the Schur and split Schur Algorithms. In V, Ewalle J., Boite R., Moonen M. & Oosterlinck A. (editors), Proceedings of EUSIPCO '92, 6th European Signal Processing Conference, pages 1129-1132. Brussels, BELGIUM : Elsevier, 1992. [...] 
  • Bakamidis, S., Glaros, N. & Carayannis, G. (1991). A Reduced Complexity Multipulse Excitation Compression System. Speech Communication, 10(1), 171-178. [...] 
  • Bakamidis, S., Glaros, N. & Carayannis, G. (1991). A Reduced Complexity Multipulse Compression System. Speech Communication, 10, 171-178. [...] 
  • Glaros, N. & Kayafas, E. (1987). Experimental Device for IC Testing. In G.S. Tzafestas, G. Madan Singh & Günther Schmidt (editors), Proceedings of First European Workshop for System Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, pages 417-422. Rhodes, Greece : D. Reitel Publishing Company. [...]