Department - Machine Translation


Machine Translation


Work in the department involves research on and development of machine translation systems emphasising on architectural and algorithmic issues, Greek language modelling, comparative analysis and grammar building.

The main activities of the department could be subsumed under the following axes:

  • Development of Machine Translation systems, which utilise the relevant international experience, combined with modern data processing techniques. The department has participated in many MT projects and has acquired valuable experience starting with the EUROTRA project in the early 90’s, while the latter ones were METIS and METIS-ΙΙ. Currently, the department coordinates PRESEMT and participates in ACCURAT, both of which are EU-funded projects.
  • Study of Modern Greek both at grammatical and stylistic level in order to further enhance the development of linguistic software undertaken by the department. In this particular axis, methodologies for the organisation of corpora are studied based on stylistic features and thematic domains.
  • Development of (i) integrated environments such as authoring tools for controlled languages, and (ii) resources such as grammars and multilingual lexica, thesauri and ontologies. All these activities are intended to support and/or facilitate Machine Translation tasks.
  • Study of methodologies for automatic morphological analysis, which aim at the automatic construction of morphological lexicons.



Research areas

Some relevant projects



Department projects are supported by the following members: