Project - Young Children: Web educational portal for young children’s entertainment and learning

Young Children: Web educational portal for young children’s entertainment and learning

Start date: 01-01-2011
End date: 31-12-2012
Funded by: O. P. Digital Convergence (NSRF 2007-2013)
Project leader: Ioanna Antoniou-Kritikou

This project is aimed at the design and development of a web portal for children aged 3-7 years, in which they will play and learn at the same time. The main objective of the project is the language development of young children, the development of their global personality by the enhancement of cognitive, sentimental and sensor-motor faculties and skills.
Children can also be involved in activities initiating them in foreign languages, in music, as well as in activities promoting ecumenical principles and allowing them to discover the world. Moreover, tests will be developed in order to detect children with learning difficulties. The early detection of specific learning difficulties and their prompt remedy through special activities will allow children to follow the first year of full time education without problems.

Apart from children aged 3 - 7 years, end-users of this platform can be parents, educators and specialists like speech therapists, neuropsychologists, neuroscientists, etc. The fact that part of the language material will be supported by video in Greek Sign Language (GSL) allows deaf children to use the platform in order to strengthen their reading ability.


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