Project - Synthesis of Ideas, Forms and Tools for Cultural and Artistic Education

Synthesis of Ideas, Forms and Tools for Cultural and Artistic Education

Start date: 01-04-2014
End date: 31-08-2015
Funded by: Ε.Π. Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση
Project leader: Stella Markantonatou
Deputy manager: George Pavlidis

The Action ‘Synthesis of Ideas, Forms and Tools for Cultural and Artistic Education (SYNTHESIS)’ primes creativity, original thinking, teamwork and cooperation, and supports students of Primary and Secondary Education in the process of understanding the experiential space and their cultural identity. SYNTHESIS connects the work of exceptional thinkers of the 20th century (Papaloukas, Pikionis Chatzikyriakos-Gikas, Parthenis) – who connected the international artistic currents with the Greek reality and were the forerunners or have worked with the generation of 1930 – with antiquity and the Byzantine, Greek folk and European modern art. Educational activities to be implemented at school, at the B&M Theocharakis Foundation, at the Acropolis-Filopapou architecturals and/or on the Web, and will serve the objectives of the New School: promoting cultural and artistic education and interdisciplinary approach. SYNTHESIS will develop educational projects involving cross-curricular activities, which promote the idea of education using the culture as medium and can be integrated into the curriculum of the primary and secondary education. It will include adaptation of educational material in technological developments, integration of cultural and artistic elements and foreign languages, as stated by the European education policy, in data domains such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography and the use of Greek in written language.

The Action includes a cooperation with the Greek-French School.


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